Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Why Am I So Excited By A Dishwasher?

OUR NEW DISHWASHER IS HERE!!! Just installed today! We got the new Energy Star Model of the Whirlpool Quiet Partner III.

I was going to try to think of a joke about how, between me & David, he would probably be considered the "Quiet Partner" because I'm the one who never shuts up... But I can't think of anything funny about the fact that I just compared my soulmate to a dishwasher.

Here's an update about my Quiet Partner...
The ship he's working on right now is heading to a fjord-bordering town in Norway called Voss, then they're actually going back to Aberdeen, Scotland. And then they're somehow making their way over to a port town in Germany, where he'll fly out of when he comes home the 2nd week of September.

This is the vessel he's stationed on, in case you were curious...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It's Too Dang Hot!

After a nice, cool summer up until this point, NY is suddenly having quite an annoying little heat wave right now. So, I thought I'd post a picture of David & me on a nice, cool, windy day at Stewart Park a few short months ago... Oh, how I'm looking forward to the fall...!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Time To Make The Donuts...

The floors in our new master bedroom are beautiful and happy-making. But nothing is happy about David packing to go back to work.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Ficus N' Floors

The floor in the Master Bedroom is complete - take a look!

David pruned Bert The Ginormous Ficus, and we brought him inside.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Bed Search Continues

Today we went to Sam Peter - a great local furniture store near the college.
We found a really nice platform bed set - awesome quality - all solid wood - check it out...

This decision is getting more and more difficult!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Flooring and Hardware are transforming our home...

As we check-in mid day, here is the state of the master bedroom:

Here's David doing some lovely modern dance moves as he puts down the tar paper...

The flooring in the main room, and the comparison between our old brassy ugly hardware, and our new gorgeous hardware in the kitchen...

And as you can see, despite the fact that David insisted on working in the dark, we pretty much finished up in the bedroom by the end of today! Looking good!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Back To Our Duties...

We're getting back to work with the renovations right now.
David has been working on the master bedroom - here's the state of the floors in there, and in the hallway:

And we've been on a hardware-replacing kick lately. It's amazing how a little classy hardware can make such a huge difference on the look of the room. Here's David replacing the ugly brass junk in the guest bathroom with beautiful Oil Rubbed Bronze, our hardware of choice for most of the house.