Saturday, September 5, 2009

Views From The Front Deck

David gets home later this week (hooray!) but until then, these pictures will have to suffice...
Here's the beautiful sunset from our front deck:

Here's the start of my lovely Topsy Turvy tomato crop! Yummm:

And here are three of our favorite cactuses... the little guy on the right was imported from Florida when we moved! He rode on the floor of Shelby, in his teeny pot, and he was only an inch high back then! Look how he's adapted to the Ithaca weather!

After David gets home, we'll be down in NYC for a week - I have rehearsals for the play I'm doing at the Kitchen Theatre this fall. Then we return home, and David goes back to working on the floors while I get back to rehearsal. The floors should be done very soon - we only have half the great room, and the guest bedroom left!

Keeping you posted, as always...