DO NOT GO TO MANGANARO'S HERO BOY (or Manganaro's Grosseria, for that matter)

Manganaro's Grosseria and Manganaro's Hero Boy are right next to each other on 9th Ave - around 36th street. They were owned by the same family who later split in a feud and decided to operate separately. Now the Deli (Grosseria) is run by the infamous Bitches of 9th Avenue (vicious women who immediately bark at every customer who enters, thereby preventing anyone from becoming a repeat customer... seriously - it's a Soup-Nazi situation) and the once-wonderful Hero Boy cafeteria next door, which used to be one of my food staples, will now unfortunately be remembered as the Gateway To Our Personal Hell. What a huge disappointment. I used to eat these heros ALL THE TIME when I was in a revival of Yentl that ran for a few months back in 2002. The theatre was right around the corner, and we had multiple double-show days. Between the matinee and the evening shows, my friend Charlie and I would always meet for some super-delicious sandwich fuel.
I don't know what happened to this place, but it's safe to say that those "Sandwich Days" are over. Never, NEVER again. We did the social "math" and there is absolutely no way this horrendous food poisoning came from any other source but Manganaro's Hero Boy. David was sick for two days, I was sick for three-plus.
Manganaro's, I hate to say it... You used to be family - but now you are dead to me.
David left today to go back to work.
Christmas will be celebrated upon his return!