Ooooh.... I'm not gonna apologize for the lack of posts again... because that would be redundant. And I always taught my creative writing students to say "NO!" to redundancy in their writing. So... there you go. I have actually been very busy with this new freelance job - I've been doing consultant work for an online video content management company - I'm helping to put together their channel partner program. What does all of that mean? Well, I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you. (But seriously, it's actually very challenging & creative work with an hourly wage that beats the pants off my last two jobs, so it works well for me!)
By the way, these provincial pics are the views from our front porch on "Moving Day" a few weeks ago.
I loved the location of that rental. It was in this quaint little village on the outskirts of Ithaca called Slaterville Springs. Anyway we left the rental in mid-June and moved in to the House, and on the first night that we were going to sleep in our new home, David hung the three Mezuzahs that my parents & grandma had sent us as a housewarming gift.
We put the scrolls inside, I said the prayer, and he nailed those puppies up! So now, it is officially OUR HOME! 

Though it doesn't feel like it when we're not both here. David has been working off the coast of Norway for the past three weeks or so, and he'll be home in a week, when renovations will commence.
I can't leave without showing you my parents' OTHER housewarming gift, the tree that ate Ithaca:
It's a lovely ficus plant! Let me rephrase that...
It's an eight-and-a-half-foot ficus tree that arrived in a van at 9am on my birthday (no, the ficus was not driving), and I almost threw my back out trying to move it! The delivery was just comical. "Hey lady, I got a tree for ya!" And getting it up the front deck was no easy feat. But honestly, it's a beautiful and meaningful gift, whom I've already named Bert, and David and I will take care of Bert forever. Thanks, Mom & Dad! Viva Bert!
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