The green stuff is stapled down, so part of today's fun is going to involve us pulling up thousands of staples. Hooray! FUN!
And the hallway...
And here's David pulling up the molding...
Unfortunately, as we moved from the back of the house to the front of the house, we started to discover an annoying trend: In certain parts of the house, under the flooring, we found an extra layer of linoleum laid underneath an extra layer of PLYWOOD! Why? A quick fix to make the house level. David does not approve of such "band-aids." See?
We found this type of half-assery in the master bedroom and the kitchen. It lead us to believe that the people who laid the original floors for this house were... how can we put it nicely... "under deadline." Yeah, they did a shoddy, rushed job. Don't believe me? Check THIS out: When pulling up the carpet in the great room, we found four little blades - used for slicing the carpet to size - sitting prettily underneath the carpet padding. It was like a little time capsule left for us by some lazy-assed folks 27 years ago.

Can't wait to see what we're going to uncover today! Maybe a fossil or two?
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