Monday, May 10, 2010

Last Weekend

We were in the city last weekend, and we saw a wonderful show at Ars Nova on saturday night. It was called Bloodsong Of Love, and had a really terrific rock score. Keep your ears peeled for this one - if it comes around again its really worth catching. Joe Iconis is the creator of this work.

So the theatre is on 54th and 10th. We went to the show with my cousin Halli, and we were staying down in Alphabet City, but it was such a lovely night, so after the show we had a bite at Hummus Kitchen on 9th Ave, and then started a nice long walk downtown.  But first we walked across town in the theatre district and instead of encountering the usual mayhem that is Times Square on a Saturday night, we encountered silence, desolation, police, and barricades.

As if we hadn't had enough drama over the past few weeks, we found ourselves walking along the perimeter of times square in a bizarre Vanilla Sky moment. I literally hadn't seen the theatre district EMPTY since September 12th. We were dumbstruck, but when the police finally told us that the area had been shut down due to a "Suspicious Package," we got the hell out of there toot sweet. Little did we know it was a car bomb...

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